Experience of use Fungent

As a physical therapist, a person with a medical education, I have a good understanding of skin diseases and body care. Therefore, at the very first symptoms of foot disease, I started prevention: I washed my feet three times a day, treated my shoes and changed my foot cosmetics. When that didn't help, I went to a dermatologist and he confirmed that I had a yeast infection.

When to start using Fungent

The dermatologist said that the use of antifungal agents can be started immediately at the first suspicion, since they are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Fortunately, I was careful about my health and did not have time to start the situation. So I highly recommend you do a course of cream prevention as soon as you notice any of the symptoms. I successfully got rid of all manifestations of mycosis in four months.

My job involves a lot of time on my feet as well as changing shoes daily in the clinic, so I now use cream at work to prevent re-infection. In the future, on the recommendation of a doctor and reviews on the forum, I will switch to using the cream only in the gym and the pool, as well as in certain situations.

How to use

Before ordering Fungent, I tried two creams from the pharmacy, giving each one a week to test for effectiveness. One caused severe dryness on the feet and increased peeling, and the other did not affect the symptoms for a week.

I chose Fungent after consulting a dermatologist, as its composition meets all clinical recommendations, and the doctors' experience is very good.

Before using, I read a review of studies and also asked friends and colleagues. Everyone noted that the cream must be used regularly, otherwise the fungus will develop faster than you can fight it.

In the end, I decided to stick to a strict schedule and not deviate much from it.

  1. Wash and disinfect all shoes with an antiseptic, cut and file the affected nails.
  2. After the street, wash your feet before putting on your slippers.
  3. Change socks every time you put on shoes.
  4. Every day, even on weekends, wash your feet in the morning and before going to bed. Apply Fungent cream to clean, dry feet.
  5. Do not be lazy to rub the cream and wait for it to be absorbed.
  6. If the feet get wet in the rain or after running, apply the cream again.
Fungus on the feet - before and after treatment with Fungent cream

I already had improvements on the third day, by the end of the month the smell was gone even with sweaty feet. All symptoms disappeared after two months. The nails recovered around the end of the third month and I used Fungent for another month to correct the results. Now I use the cream only for prevention and keep my legs well-groomed.